Advice AED defibrillators

Why choose the Zoll AED plus defibrillator?

Zoll AED Plus defibrillators

Why choose the Zoll AED plus defibrillator?

Key features of the Zoll AED Plus

The Zoll AED Plus defibrillator combines text and voice prompts to guide the rescuer through the process of defibrillation and/or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Just like other automated external defibrillators.

It’s the CPR-D Padz electrodes that set this device apart from the rest. The
Zoll AED Plus
is a defibrillator with cardiac massage assistance. It’s the only External Automated Defibrillator (AED) that enables real-time evaluation of cardiac massage. These unique one-piece electrodes feature a sensor that transmits CPR information directly to the AED. As a result, the rescuer knows whether he or she is applying the correct chest compressions. And if he performs a good cardiac massage on the victim. This is a huge advantage, especially for people who are not trained in cardiac massage. Or having never practiced on a real victim.

What’s more, the consumables used in the Zoll AED Plus, available in both automatic and semi-automatic models, are long-lasting. In fact, without use, the batteries and electrodes are valid for 4 to 5 years.

For over 25 years, ZOLL has been meeting the ever-growing need for fast, effective defibrillators. ZOLL’ s mission is to constantly improve resuscitation results, by providing ever more effective products for those moments when every second counts. Thanks to these defibrillators, doctors and emergency medical teams, as well as non-medical personnel, save thousands of lives every year.

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